If I just received the tumbler, it would have got 5 stars across the board! Works great, very sturdy, great price, but.....it also came with a bag of steel shot, to use with it, presumably for polishing my jewelry pieces. I put a lot of time and effort and care into each piece I create. So, I was excited to finally have a tumbler. So after many hours of creating, polishing and cleaning by hand, I put in the tumbler, the steel shot, with another package of shot that I purchased on amazon, my jewelry, 3 bracelets, filtered water, and, a tblsp of Dawn. Sealed it up, and, set it to 1 hour to start. Came back when I heard the timer ding, and, much to my horror, ALL MY JEWELRY WAS BLACK! I thought Id done something wrong. I spent hours and hours, trying to clean those pieces, I mean, so far, almost 5 hours of cleaning. I ran the shot alone with just a baking soda paste, and, what I found next, was rust, and, blackened balls of steel shot, clearly not stainless steel. I had to separate 1 by 1 all the shot, it took quite a while, then, run the good shot through several cleaning cycles to get it back to pristine condition. The shot it came with was total garbage, cost me so many hours of grief, work, stress, and, frustration. What a damn mess! Please, if you cant include real shot, than dont include at all! I'm almost afraid to use it now after this nightmare! It cost me time, and, money, since, I was unable to sell my pieces in that state. I do very intricate wire jewelry. So, I believe the tumbler is fine, don't use that shot, what a mess!